Saturday, August 2, 2008

Enough of Kansas already!!

Oy!!! Remember how I thought Kansas was lovely. Well, it gets old. What is surprising is that by the time you've crossed into Colorado, you have already gained 4000 feet in elevation. So, Kansas creeps up on you. Those great plains (which, frankly, aren't really all that great) are tilted up towards the rockies. What appears flat, on a grand scale, is not.

We are in Boulder in a wonderful little Marriott which feels like a little boutique hotel. We are a few blocks from the main walking district, surrounded by mountains. Maybe I could adjust to being this isolated. It is stunningly beautiful and that is quite a lift to the spirits. More on Boulder tomorrow. Herb and I are going to try to get into a famous fancy restaurant tonight called Frasca. If we can't, we are going to a little college cafe with live music. Stay tuned...

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