Monday, August 18, 2008

The pace has slowed thank goodness...

Well, the blogging has slowed for the time being because the pace of the trip has. We really needed it. We are in LA, where I am not able to download pics and before yesterday, we were in SF where the wireless wasn't working. Luckily, I didn't have too much to say. We arrived in SF on Thursday night. My aunt Gwen has a fabulous house perched on top of Telegraph Hill with a roofdeck looking out on Alcatraz (sp?) and the bay. The second we arrived, she whisked us up to the roofdeck, poured us wine and I updated her on the last year of my life. The rest of the time in SF was so nice. We welcomed the chance not to stay in a hotel. We did laundry three times (ah, the lap of luxury), went out to dinner with my friend Katherine, went out to a superb lunch at Greens, a gourmet veggie restaurant with Gwen and watched the Olympics. I do have a good picture of Gwen with her dog Elvis and some wacky photos of Katherine and me. Herb loved San Francisco. He really liked the yuppie farmers market, the light-colored houses and the cool air. I think San Francisco would be high on a list of cities he would consider moving to.

Yesterday, we drove to LA. We decided to scrap the idea of taking Highway 1 and came down the freeway. We got hungry in the middle of nowhere and drove 5 miles off the highway to a tiny Mexican town-no English was spoken there. We ordered tacos (I had to pull out my best Spanish to get something without meat). The food was pretty good and cost about 6 dollars. We hung out last night with my Aunt Jean and Uncle Peter and had a really nice time catching up with them. Today we are going to walk on the boardwalk and go to some gardens which are full of cacti. We changed the upcoming portion of our trip a little because we are now going to go to the Grand Canyon. Even though it will be very touristy, I really want to see it. And Herb is ok with it.

So, hopefully this is enough of an update for now. I will post the pics from SF when I can. Tomorrow we head back East for the long trek to MA!!!!!

1 comment:

Gregory Sioles said...

And MA is very excited to see you!!!!